Korean Egg Bread with Crust

Egg Crust Bread 

Korean Egg Bread with Crust

It seems like a lot of people tend to throw away the crusts of sliced bread after eating the soft middle. Sure, you can use them to make croutons or other dishes, but I started wondering if there was a more creative way to use them. 
That's when the idea hit me: what if I used those leftover crusts to make a korean egg bread? So, I grabbed some crusts, an egg, and a paper cup to try it out.

Egg Bread?

This dish is inspired by one of Korea's iconic street foods - a fluffy bread baked with an egg inside. It's a winter favorite, beloved by locals, and even highly recommended by foreign YouTubers as a must-try street snack in Korea. 
While you can easily buy it from vendors, many recipes have been developed so you can enjoy this treat at home. This time, I'll show you how to make it using just a microwave!


  • Egg
    • Eggs are the key ingredient for this recipe and can't really be substituted, so make sure to have some on hand!
  • Bread Crust
    • You can actually use any kind of leftover bread for this. Just gather up any scraps you have! For convenience, I simply placed the crusts directly into a paper cup and cooked them. But if you want to get fancy, you can grind the bread, add a little water to make it moist, and then shape it before adding it to the cup.

Here comes the story behind the recipe

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Preparation Time: 1Minute
Cooking time: 3minute
SPOON RANK : 🥄🥄🥄🥄(4/5)


  • Egg
  • Crust
  • Salt / Cheese
  • Oil
  • Ketchup
  • Paper Cup


Step 1. Prepare a paper cup and lightly coat the inside with oil. You only need enough oil to leave a thin layer on the surface-just a small amount will do. If you don't have oil, you can skip this step.

Step 2. Press the bread crusts firmly into the bottom of the cup. If you want to make it look fancier, grind the crusts into breadcrumbs, mix with a little water to create a dough, and then use that instead. 

Step 3. Crack an egg into the cup. Important! Be sure to poke the egg yolk with a fork to avoid it exploding in the microwave.

Step 4. Add salt, cheese, bacon, or any toppings you like for extra flavor. 

Step 5. Microwave for about 2 minutes at 700W. And voilà-a delicious egg bread is ready to enjoy!


  • Make sure to pierce the egg yolk before microwaving. If you skip this step, the egg could explode in the microwave, which is not only messy but also dangerous!


This recipe really captures the taste of the classic Korean street food egg bread. It's a great combination of protein, carbs, and just the right amount of fat, making it a surprisingly balanced snack! 

Adding a bit of ketchup brought out a perfect mix of sweet and tangy flavors, making it even more delicious. Honestly, I couldn't believe how tasty bread crusts could be! The bread stayed moist, which was a nice touch, but since I used crusts, the final look wasn't super polished. That cost it 1 point in my "spoon score." 

If you've got eggs and leftover bread at home, I highly recommend giving this a try!

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